Lambert Wilson - traduzione in francese
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Lambert Wilson - traduzione in francese

  • Wilson at the [[2016 Cannes Film Festival]]
  • [[Valérie Lemercier]] and Lambert Wilson at the [[2005 Cannes Film Festival]]
  • Wilson in 2017

Lambert Wilson         
Lambert Wilson, (born in 1958) French actor


¦ noun a former unit of luminance, equal to the emission or reflection of one lumen per square centimetre.
early 20th cent.: named after the 18th-cent. German physicist Johann H. Lambert.


Lambert Wilson

Lambert Wilson (born 3 August 1958) is a French actor, singer, and activist. He is best known internationally for his portrayal of The Merovingian in The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions, and The Matrix Resurrections.

Esempi dal corpus di testo per Lambert Wilson
1. Sur les trônes: Catherine Deneuve, Lambert Wilson et Valérie Lemercier.
2. Sans oublier un casting vocal tr';s réussi, de Lambert Wilson, tr';s cool, au toujours savoureux Michael Lonsdale.
3. Ni militant, ni politiquement correct, Lambert Wilson tente d‘ętre «Comme les autres». Elsa Duperray Mercredi 3 septembre 2008 A l‘origine, Comme les autres aurait d$'; ętre un documentaire.
4. Cśurs, d‘Alain Resnais (France– Italie 2006), avec Sabine Azéma, Lambert Wilson, André Dussollier, Pierre Arditi, Laura Morante, Isabelle Carré, Claude Rich. 2h05 © Le Temps, 2006 . Droits de reproduction et de diffusion réservés.
5. Le Grand Alibi, de Pascal Bonitzer (France–Italie 2008), avec Mathieu Demy, Lambert Wilson, Valeria Bruni–Tedeschi, Caterina Murino, Anne Consigny, Miou–Miou, Pierre Arditi, Céline Sallette.1h33 © Le Temps, 2008 . Droits de reproduction et de diffusion réservés.